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The few public health facilities in rural areas in Madagascar often fall into disrepair due to a lack of funds for renovation and maintenance. Some buildings have already collapsed or have been so severely damaged by hurricanes that they can no longer be used. Reliable water and electricity supplies are also often lacking. Without the admirable improvisational talent of Malagasy doctors, nurses and midwives, it would be impossible to treat patients well. The defective toilets and lack of incineration facilities for medical waste are also a constant challenge in terms of hygiene and cleanliness.

With the support of Genialsozial, we therefore launched the "Bright and Clean" project in 2020. As part of Genialsozial, Saxon students go to work once a year instead of going to school. They use their wages to support charitable projects that they have selected themselves beforehand. In 2013, they supported the construction of a new clinic in Fotadrevo, and in 2020 they supported the "Bright and Clean" project:

After exploring with our local partner organisations which centres were most in need of repair, we repaired buildings in eight healthcare facilities, improved the water and electricity supply, and constructed new buildings for the treatment and accommodation of patients and pregnant women. We also built medical waste incinerators and latrines. We were able to expand some centres to include accommodation for medical staff, thus improving their working conditions. What a great scheme!

The pupils' jury at the Genialsozial jury meeting 2016.


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