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COVID-19 in Madagascar

In spring and autumn 2021, COVID-19 cases increased rapidly and hospitals throughout the country were overwhelmed. The capital Antananarivo was the most affected. Schools and public buildings served
as improvised hospitals. There was a lack of staff, oxygen and equipment. Even the two largest COVID-19 clinics in the country lacked equipment. We provided emergency aid at the request of the Ministry of Health. Through our existing network of community health workers, we were able to reach people in remote villages. We also produced radio and TV spots in the urban centres most affected by the pandemic to raise awareness about infection prevention.

Our team translated material from the WHO into Malagasy. The resulting TV spots provide information on safety measures to protect against COVID-19 infection, among other things.

As a result of our appeal for donations in Germany, we were able to fly 17 ventilators, 49 oxygen concentrators and several tens of thousands of masks, protective gloves and other medical equipment by a DHL cargo plane. The equipment was used in the two largest COVID-19 clinics in the country. We are particularly grateful for the large donations in kind from the Rheinsberg Rescue Service and the support of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Vitol Foundation.

Handover of 17 ventilators, 49 oxygen concentrators and a lot of additional material for two COVID intensive care units to the Madagascan Ministry of Health. The Malagasy Minister of Health, the German Ambassador and representatives of WHO and GIZ were in attendance. Madame Hortensia, our country director, is second from the right.


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